Portland Plumber: Save Water by Switching to Tankless

It’s not a secret that we like tankless water heaters. If it’s appropriate, we will almost always recommend that our customers have a tankless water heater installed as opposed to a conventional water tank.

We’ve been doing business in Portland for well over a decade and experience has proven that properly maintained tankless water heaters outlive and outrun their conventional counterparts. And they do so while conserving energy.

Water on Demand

During the summer months, we use a lot of water. Water for pools, gardening, and staying hydrated. One of the many useful qualities of a tankless water heater is that it heats water on demand. The water does not sit in waiting as it does in conventional tanks.

Do we need to waste additional water and energy with conventional heaters? Think about it this way: if you’re planning a vacation this summer, your conventional water heater will continue to heat even while you’re away. It’s always working and always heating—just sitting there, taking up a lot of space, and increasing your utility bill.

Other reasons to go tankless? That’s easy:

  • Save space
  • Lower monthly water bill
  • Conserve water and energy
  • Continuous flow of hot water for as long as desired
  • Eco-friendly
  • Aesthetically appealing with sleek high-tech design

Will We Fix or Install a Conventional Water Heater?

Absolutely! We are fully stocked with conventional and tankless water heaters. We’re there for you regardless of your choice of water heater, and so are our guarantees and warranties. Our trained and licensed technicians are at the ready with industry-leading equipment to manage any of your Portland plumbing-related needs.

Please contact 3 Mountains Plumbing if you have any questions regarding the differences between conventional water heaters and tankless water heaters and which one might be best for you and your home.

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